29/09/24 New paper alert! A study led by our collaborators Doris Dijksterhuis, Matt Self and Pieter Roelfsema at the NiN in Amsterdam has just been accepted at Science! The paper is titled: Pronouns reactivate conceptual representations in human hippocampal neurons**
02/09/24 Migxia Zhang, Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with a focus on motivation, learning, funded by the CSC (China) joins our lab for a year to work with us on hippocampal theta oscillations, reward/punishment, memory and curiousity. Congratulations Mingxia and welcome to Glasgow!
19/06/24 Ying Yao wins competitive PhD funding from the CSC (China) to work with us on phase resets of hippocampal theta oscillations and memory. Congratulations Ying and welcome to the team!
26/06/23 New paper alert! Danying Wang, Eleonora Marcantoni, Andrew Clouter, Kim Shapiro and Simon Hanslmayr Rhythmic sensory stimulation as a non-invasive tool to study plasticity mechanisms in human episodic memory** paper accepted in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
26/06/23 Danying Wang has her paper Altering stimulus timing via fast rhythmic sensory stimulation induces STDP-like recall performance in human episodic memory paper accepted in Current Biology
14/06/23 Luca Kolibius has his paper Hippocampal neurons code individual memory episodes in humans paper accepted in Nature Human Behaviour
17/05/23 Mr. Luca Kolibius just became Dr. Luca Kolibius after passing his Viva without corrections for his thesis The hippocampus as an indexing machine of episodic memory. Congratulations, and a special thanks to his examiners Prof. Tim Behrens (Oxford) and Prof. Edwin Roberston (Glasgow). Next destination for Luca is the lab of Prof. Josh Jacobs at Columbia University in NYC.
15/02/23 Li Cheng just joined our team as a PhD student. She will be working on closed loop stimulation to improve memory using OPM-MEG, in a collaboration with Dr Robin Ince (Glasgow) and Prof. Matt Brookes (Nottingham). Exciting times ahead. Welcome Li!!!!
13/02/23 Danying Wang has her paper Interaction between theta-phase and spike-timing dependent plasticity simulates theta induced memory effects paper accepted in eNeuro
29/11/22 Frederic Roux has his “neural co-firing supports memory” paper accepted in eLife
17/06/22 Luca Kolibius wins second place at PGR symposium on Wednesday for his talk on how neurons code episodic memories. Well done Luca!
12/05/22 Sander van Bree has his Brain Time Toolbox paper accepted in Nature Human Behavior
11/03/22 Eleonora Marcantoni wins competitive PhD funding in MRC Doctoral Training programme on Precision Medicine to work with us on closed loop brain stimulation to improve memory. Congratulations Eleonora and welcome to the team!
Credits: New Team icon taken from Work icons created by Freepik - Flaticon